Anyone who is medically trained probably had the acronym KISS indoctrinated into them by their tutors, a while ago I had an example of why this is so true.
A patient presented at the surgery with a very sore foot, she felt she must have stood on a piece of glass which had become ingrained. I examined her & although there was really nothing visible, the area under the ball of her foot was very tender & slightly swollen.
The woman in question is a professional dancer & was very concerned as she has been chosen to dance at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympics & needed to be fit & well for rehearsals.
I ran through a whole list of diagnoses in my head: stress fracture, neuroma, referred pain from a previous back injury – you name it, I thought it! I sent her away with padding for her foot, advice to use ice & anti inflammatories, although I was really unsure as to the cause.
I saw her again today with no real improvement & I decided to use padding in her footwear & as I was checking the existing insole in her shoe, discovered a tiny, but very sharp stone embedded into the area of the insole that corresponded to the painful area of her foot! Result – one very happy dancing girl!
I don’t know why I didn’t check the first time – I am usually very good at the keeping it simple rule – I won’t forget in future!